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Newly introduced for Showlight 2025 is a series of Workshops guaranteed to get the creative juices flowing!
Kindly sponsored by Platinum Sponsor Claypaky, Workshops will take place on the afternoon of Wednesday 21 May. 
Here’s a taster of what to expect…

List of Services

Workshop Leaders

Sherry Coenen
Sherry Coenen

Sherry Coenen is an award-winning lighting designer with extensive experience working on puppetry and new writing.  She is known for her use of colour, shadow and a creative flair with practicals.

Grace Halton
Grace Halton

Freelance Producer & Production Manager

Traci Klainer
Traci Klainer

Traci’s 30+ years of experience includes100+ theatrical lighting designs and the founding and running of an award-winning, women-owned lighting firm. In addition to her lighting accolades, Traci has worked on the owner/IP side for SeaWorld Abu Dhabi and Rockefeller Center.  She is thrilled to have landed as an Executive Producer.

Ludwig Lepage
Ludwig Lepage

Holder of an engineering degree specializing in physical measurements, obtained through a work-study program at Robert Juliat, Ludwig naturally joined the company's R&D department in 2004. He later moved to the sales department as technical support and has held the position of product manager since 2007. He serves as the interface between customers and Robert Juliat's internal departments and contributes to the development of Robert Juliat products. He is also an active player in the European Entertainment Ecodesign Coalition.

Brant Thomas Murray
Brant Thomas Murray

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign: Teaching Associate Professor and Chair of Lighting Design & Technology, Mental Health Ambassador

Dr. Keili Camille Murray
Dr. Keili Camille Murray

United States Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Information Technology: Community Care IT Solutions Analyst

Véronique Perruchon
Véronique Perruchon

Originally a lighting designer, now Professor of Performing Arts at the University of Lille and member of the Centre d’Études des Arts Contemporains, Véronique Perruchon has been directing the international research programme LdS “Lumiere de Spectacle” since 2017. A framework in which she deploys interdisciplinary research projects, including the ANR SceALED dedicated to LED and the LuNAt Structuring Project, dedicated to natural light. In 2016, she published the reference work: Noir. Lumière et théâtralité (Black. Light and Theatricality) with PUS.

Clifton Taylor
Clifton Taylor

Clifton Taylor has designed on Broadway and for companies worldwide. He speaks regularly in the US, Asia, Europe, and South America on lighting and education. He is one of the founders of Studio School of Design, an online and in-person design school based in New York. 

Mig Walsh
Mig Walsh

Co Chair of the ABTT, Senior Lecturer Theatre Production at The Guildford School of Acting/University of Surrey. Happy and active Production Lighting Technician, well-being activist, author of the ABTT Welfare series of guidance notes.

Noël Richard
Noël Richard

DC. Noël Richard is assistant professor at the University of Poitiers, France. Since 1992, he has been a researcher at the XLIM laboratory, UMR CNRS 7552, and since 2019 head of the XLIM-ICONES team. He has worked on colour and spectral image processing for over 20 years. Director of Division 8 "Image Technology" at CIE (International Commission on Illumination) since 2023, his research focuses on the definition and validation of metrological tools for the analysis and processing of images in the perceptual (colour) and physical (spectral and colour) domains. His current research activity is devoted to the assessment of surface non-uniformity and to the integration of metrology in Artificial Intelligence tools.

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