Showlight is excited to announce that plans are underway to reinstate Showlight 2023 which, after a two-year postponement due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is now scheduled to take place between 20-23 May 2023. The venue for this much-loved lighting quadrennial will be the Théâtre Municipal in Fontainebleau, near Paris, France, the original destination for the postponed 2021 event.
“The Showlight committee is now planning for the next live Showlight in May 2023 and we hope this time nothing will de-rail it!” says Showlight chairman, John Allen. “We are delighted to have the continued support of our main sponsor, Robert Juliat, along with many of the sponsors who were already supporting Showlight 2021. Fontainebleau’s local administration has, once again, made the Théâtre Municipal available for us - right in the centre of the town - and, as a result, the arrangements we were originally making for 2021 can be dusted off and planning can recommence.
“The Welcome Reception is planned for Saturday 20 May, with the first full day of papers on Sunday 21 May 2023. More programme details will be released in due course and we look forward to welcoming everyone back to Showlight next year.”
With this in mind, and less than 18 months to go, Showlight will soon be putting out a Call for Papers, Exhibitors and Sponsors for this unique networking event. If you want to share your exciting lighting or terrific technology, contact us at If you want to become part of the welcome return of this top networking event as a sponsor or exhibitor, contact John Allen at
“I had such a terrific time, I’m still talking about it. I was so inspired and motivated by the speakers that I have a renewed energy for my work and trying new things. I met so many new people and learned so much about different people’s work, it has been invaluable.”
James Simpson, lighting designer and visualiser at Copper Candle, Showlight 2017 speaker – and now, Vice Chair of the Papers Committee!
If you’ve never attended a Showlight before, or you’ve simply missed mixing with your peers, Showlight 2023 is your opportunity to mingle, and learn, with lighting practitioners from all disciplines and many countries, across three enjoyable days of networking, social visits, eclectic papers and an exhibition.
“Showlight packs a full programme into three days which gives the opportunity to dive deep into the world of light and to meet lots of new people outside of your normal comfort zone.”
Isabel Nielen, lighting designer and artist, and Showlight 2017 speaker.
Put the date in your diary (20-23 May 2023), visit the Showlight website ( for more details, and sign up to the Mailing List to keep abreast of all new developments.
“Showlight is so interesting because of the access it gives to everybody. Students can talk directly to top lighting designers, lighting designers have lots of time to interact with manufacturers, etc. It’s first and foremost an excellent networking event.”
Ellen Lampert-Greaux, Live Design, Showlight 2017 delegate